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Plans for the proposed new Residential College (March and April ALUMNUS) moved briskly ahead last month.

First, the Regents appointed Literary College Associate Dean Burton D. Thuma as the new Director of the Residential College. He, in turn, informed the L. S. & A. faculty that:

"President Hatcher has notified me that the Regents have assigned 60 acres of University land between Fuller Road and the Huron River at the entrance to the North Campus for Residential College development."

Then Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns announced the appointment of a Faculty Planning Committee with eleven members drawn from various departments of the Literary College and five consulting members from other Schools and Colleges of the University.

The area set aside for the Residential College is known to many a former student who ever flubbed a shot on the old Municipal Golf Course (see sketch). About two-thirds of it has been part of the golf course, while the remaining land is open, not now in use. The site provides a natural tie between the North Campus and the campus area south of the Huron River. Part of the Arboretum is directly across the river from the southeastern edge of the new College area.

Literary College members of the new Faculty Planning Committee, and their departments, are: Michael Benamou, Romance Languages; Carl Cohen, philosophy; Alan Gaylord, English; Wayne Hazen, physics; Stephen Kaplan, psychology; James Meisel, political science; Theodore Newcomb, sociology; Bradford Perkins, history; Allen Shields, mathematics; Lawrence Slobodkin, zoology; and Herbert Sigman, counseling.

Consulting members from other University units are: Stanford Ericksen, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching; Algo Henderson, School of Education; Irving Kaufman, School of Architecture and Design; Richard Wellman, Law School; and Frederick H. Wagman, Library.

The Michigan Alumnus

May 1964, Page 259

Plans for the Proposed

The University of Michigan

Residential College