A report on current research in the School of Public Health of The University of Michigan reveals a broad range of studies pertinent to many aspects of individual and community health.
Three studies, for example, are concerned with comprehensive pre-paid physicians' care with Michigan's long-term illness hospital facilities, and with needs in medical education in this state. All three, which are being conducted in the School's Bureau of Public Health Economics, are important in determining the state's needs for medical facilities and its ability to pay for them. Studies of the prevention of specific diseases is also a part of the School's research program, as work continues on the polio and influenza viruses and on the vaccines developed against them. Other important public health research has to do with various environmental factors, such as water and air. Four studies are in progress dealing with water—with the supply of water available to growing communities, with analysis of stream characteristics in relation to industrial needs, and with the solution of existing acute stream pollution problems. Another study deals with air pollution by carbon monoxide in urban area while additional work is being done on the disposal of radioactive waste materials.
The extensive research program in public health as well as the need for additional educational programs in this field has created an urgent requirement for additional space in the School of Public Health. Several months ago, the University announced receipt of grants from the Federal government and from the Kellogg Foundation which will make possible a major addition to the present Public Health Building with consequent enlargement of classroom and laboratory space.
Meantime, curriculum expansion is also underway. Aided by grants of $71,000 this year and $80,000 for each of the four succeeding years from the National Institutes of Health, the School is currently enlarging its training program in epidemiology and biometrics. An other addition to the curriculum is being made in the vital area of radiological health and safety. This program will begin in September, and will include new courses in radioactive wastes and their disposal; the biological effects of radiation on man, plants, and animals; the techniques used in radio- active studies; and environmental protection.
Though one of the University's smaller units in terms of enrollment of students, the program of the School of Public Health is a major one in terms of importance to the nation's health, both through its broad program of research and through its preparation of public health experts—doctors, nurses, engineers, sanitarians, and many others.
The Michigan Alumnus
July 13 1957, Page 436