Established in 1928 as a summer home for the National High School Orchestra, the National Music Camp at Interlochen, Michigan, has greatly expanded its activities and services to the profession.
Because the camp offers valuable laboratory facilities in music education, the University, in 1941, granted regental approval for giving courses for University credit there. The University Division of the camp is a branch of the University Summer Session, and the School of Music, the School of Education, the College of Architecture and Design, and the Department of Speech give the courses offered.
Administrative responsibility is shared by the Director of the Summer Session, the deans of the schools of Music and Education, the College of Architecture and Design, the head of the Department of Speech, and the administrative officers of the camp. Courses are offered for credit in the same manner and with the same academic degree or transfer credit value and status as are the courses in Ann Arbor.
The faculty of the University Division is made up of members of the regular teaching staff of the University, supplemented by teachers from other colleges and universities, including artist performers in the field of piano, voice, and orchestral instruments. Teachers are also provided for courses in radio, dance, art, camp counseling, and recreational leadership.
Ferol Brinkman
The University of Michigan, An Encyclopedic Survey, Wilfred B. Shaw, editor, page 1601