The Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Department (AOSS) became the Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering Department on September 1, 2015.
The new name, which can be shortened to Climate & Space or simply CLaSP, communicates the broad scope and depth of research, teaching and service in climate and space that is happening in the department. It also reflects shifts in evolving societal needs, such as learning how human activities impact the creation of greenhouse gases, building instruments that can study the atmosphere of other planets and understanding evaporation in the Great Lakes.
For many years AOSS has been known as the U-M department involved in “science-driven engineering.” Now it’s reflected in the name. The addition of “engineering” will help incoming College of Engineering freshman recognize the many opportunities in Climate & Space for hands-on interdisciplinary science and engineering research.
Students in the department will have the opportunity to work on climate and space instrument development, build teams and work with internationally recognized faculty in climate and space sciences and engineering.
The new name adds to the visibility of Michigan as one of the premier institutions engaged in the study of climate and space issues from a wide variety of perspectives.
The world needs breakthrough engineering. The world needs Climate & Space.