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In recent months, the Institute of Public Administration of The University of Michigan has published Nos. 36, 37, and 38 in its papers in Public Administration Series, No. 28 in its Michigan Pamphlets series, and Nos. 38 and 39 in its Michigan Government Studies series. If these numbers don't sound  particularly impressive, perhaps the  titles of these publications will: The 1958 Constitutional Revision Campaign in Michigan; State Supervision of Michigan Local Governments: The Water  Pollution Problem; Selected Papers of the 1959 Summer Institute in Practical Partisan Politics; A Program for Federal  Tax Revision; Alternative Methods of  Financing Old-Age, Survivors, and Dis ability Insurance; and The President Makes a Decision: A Study of Dixon- Yates. And in October, the Institute launched a new series entitled Michigan Population Studies with Estimates of Population Change in Michigan: 1950- 60 as the first number.

These paper-bound volumes, ranging  from 50 to 200 pages in length, are one  tangible evidence of a wide-ranging research program in problems of government and public administration. The research is carried out by faculty members and research associates on the Institute's staff and by advanced students in public administration and related fields. The Bureau of Government, originally established by the University in 1914, is now a part of the Institute and serves as its research and service unit, particularly on problems of state and  local government in Michigan.

The Institute is also a teaching division of the University, offering a program of study at the graduate level lead ing to the degree of Master of Public  Administration. There is likewise an in-service training program for practitioners in various areas of public administration, giving through such annual short courses and conferences as those for tax assessors, finance officers, city managers, purchasing officers, mayors and councilmen. The Institute also assists each year with a leadership training program for high school boys interested in government, and this fall conducted a "government careers conference" for University students.

The Institute of Public Administration is one of those special divisions of the University which has come into  being in response to the needs of students, of an off-campus professional group, and of the field of study itself.  Through the educational program, through the short courses and institutes, and through research and publications this Institute is providing an urgently needed service to democratic government, which requires increasing competence and understanding from its elected and appointed officials and employees.

The Michigan Alumnus

Nov 12, 1960, page 96

Institute of Public Administration